Friday, March 28, 2014

Some Beautiful Cast Iron Toys from A Wyoming Seller

Friday, March 28, 2014
       (Cloudy, snow, then rain)

Some Beautiful Cast Iron Toys
from a Wyoming Seller

   I like to return to people and companies that I've written about to see how they're doing, and to see what new items they have. I wrote to Mr. Red McHoe,  a few days ago,and all was fine, but  Red hadn't much to say about his merchandise. His items though were great, and so I decided to present them.  Red also has a store that sells old toy replacement parts. I'll add both links below Red's logo.

Red takes nice photos of his items for sale,and that helps me out lots.  When I can work with a well-focussed photo, with good exposure, and proper colour-balance, I am helped out quite a bit. 

You don't see the car and truck carrier too often being offered, and this one is in quite good condition.

This is a nice speedboat . It's called a "pull toy" because a string would be attached to the eyelet at the front of the boat,and then pulled along the sidewalk or road.

Below are a nice trio of very old cast iron toys. They're also in quite good shape for their age.

I always like the take apart toys regardless of the manufacturer. At the time, all of the manufacturers had these take apart toys, with different companies having slightly different ways of dismantling them. In the above Hubley convertible, that steel spring would be moved from the yellow hook, and the top of the car would be able to be removed. MAny of the toy manufacturers would allow for the interchangeability of different toy parts. You could add a truck top or a car top to the lower chassis part.

The arrow is pointing to the actual  photo in the Hubley catalogue

This old baby carriage is great. All of the pieces are intact, and of course, the hood or bonnet of the toy can move to either end of the carriage, just like toe real one of the time.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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