Monday, March 24, 2014

Nathan Forman's Beautifully Photographed Hubley Motorcycles

Monday, March 24, 2014
            (Very cold and sunny)

Nathan Forman's Beautifully Photographed
Hubley Motorcycles

    I always like to return to people of whom I've written about.  Because  I have already dealt with them, and had originally looked at their items, I know with almost certainty that they again will have nice items to work with. I was on ebay 2 days ago, and saw some very nicely-photographed American banks circa early 1900's. I checked  my ebay e-mails and I had posted about Mr. Nathan Forman. However, I was in a quandary ( a problem that is hard to resolve). Not only did Nathan have beautifully-photographed banks, but also beautifully-photographed  Hubley motorcycles. This was almost as bad as being single and having 2 dates lined up with 2 beautiful women (of course, before I was married).

   I wrote to Nathan  just to say hello, and see how everything was, and we write back and forth. I was happy to see things were fine with Nathan , as he was happy to see that things were fine with me. As for what I would post today, I decided on the motorcycles for today, and a small post tomorrow. On wednesday, I will present the American cast iron banks.  Nathan's ebay  store is toyclaus which you can find by clicking the link below Nathan name (below).

   I couldn't believe that I had last posted about Nathan back in July of 2013 and earlier. What's great about Nathan is that he takes fine photos, and now with ebay allowing 12 photos and with magnification features, his images and detail of the items is even more spectacular. As well, he prefers to photograph on white which to me is a big asset. There is less worry from a foundation or background bouncing colour on to the item, and there are no distractions to take away form the item.

You've undoubtedly noticed by now that there are similarities among the 3 different toys above. That's what I 'll be talking about tomorrow.

You  have to look at these motorcycles in Blogger's slide mode in order to see the detail of these toys. What's more, Nathan, kept talking about the patina (the weathered and rubbed effect from handling these toys). When you see the polished effect from children and parents, and I'm sure collectors, you'll have seen just how much everyone wants to handle these toys. There is a fabulous smoothed effect from the years and years of people having played and touched these marvellous toys.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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