Monday, March 31, 2014

A Very Early Hubley Train

Monday, March 31, 2014
              (Sunny and milder)

A Very Early Hubley Train

   I was browsing yesterday, when I came across a very old train made by Hubley. I was looking on the Bertoia Auctions website, when  an image of the train appeared. The orange platform attracted my attention, and so I investigated further. As it turned out,this particular toy was manufactured about the late 1890's!

c. late 1890's, an impressive cast iron toy rendition of an arched tramway with steam output locomotive operated by central clockwork mechanism: cast trestles support split round track with centre supported board containing the dual clockwork gear. 30" diameter (762 mm). Break to one base trestle & tie support, repaint to trestles, board and clockwork professionally made for track, overall (VG Condition".*

 Description courtesy of Bertoia Auctions*

Those cast iron  vertical posts and the yellow/orange combination archways are beautiful to look at. 

 I like the old font style, which back then was modern. Also,the toy was patented on April 11, 1893.
Just a great photograph of a great antique toy!

There is a small hook hanging underneath the train locomotive. I would assume that the train moved around the track buy being attached to the horizontal rod that you see below. I'm also assuming the mechanism was windup, and that once wound, the rod or arm below would be hooked up to the locomotive and move the train and coal car in a circle. 

What's interesting to note is that the tracks  do not have ties, thus the arm below can move around in a circle. If you look closely at the above photos, you can see the spar between the left and right side of the rails.

It's truly amazing to be able to find older toys that I've never seen before.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you my be,
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