Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Inventors of the Electric Train

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
           (Cold, cloudy, with some snow)

The Inventors of the Electric Train
Carlisle & Finch - USA

   I was searching for new material, as I usually do, when I came across some very old train toy listings.  The manufacturer's name is Carlisle and Finch, and they were the inventors (I'll have to check this) and producers of the first toy electric train This occurred at the end of the 19th century! The company is still in business, and also made and still make marine nautical searchlights. These items scan also be found when searching out antiques for sale.

  I'm going to add a more thorough introduction later in the week, but for now I wanted to share with everyone the grey photos and of course the toys from Bertoia Auctions.

These elevated supports are my favourite discovery. I can just imagine setting up a room with these and the ttains, and being a young child. Imagine lying low to the floor and looking up at these trains. This reminds me of the old elevated spans across rivers  that you always see in old western movies. They also remind me of the ancient Roman viaducts that still stand in some European countries.

What also fascinates me is that these are true antique toys, that at the time of their production were in fact replicas of actual trains of the time. Nowadays, you can still purchase new and pre-1960 toy trains that were modelled after the original trains of the 19th century.

Thanks for visiting,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

please feel free to e-mail me anytime at

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