Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sooner or Later-Facebook

Monday, February 17, 2014
        (Very Cold and Partly Cloudy)

Sooner or Later-Facebook

   I recently have joined many of the social media/pro business/publicity websites. The reason that I've joined is to try and attract a larger and wider audience to my blog. Google does not do very much for promoting blogs. I've sent them feedback saying that I thought (in my "humble opinion"), that  I had an exceptional old and antique toy blog on their Blogger site, but they don't reply or seem to care.  Of course, since I'm on Blogger (A Google Company),  and write almost every day, I do get A1 listing when their search engine is employed. Of course a person has to use the antique toy blog or something close to that for my blog to appear.

   Currently, Google is promoting and pressuring people to join their Google+ company. I think they realize what a "treasure" and goldmine Facebook is. I was reluctant to join Facebook because I didn't want the "whole world" to know about me. However there are controls and constraints to regulate who and what people see. What's great about Facebook is that is is relatively easy to use, has a huge number of members, and had many features that Google currently has as separate companies.I can see why Google is pushing Google+ on any Google company member. Google could reach a larger audience, and have less companies to manage and pay for to run.

    I do appreciate being on Blogger, but I've had some issues with them, one of them specifically being what is called "Referrer Spam", but that's worth mentioning when my prime topic for today is Facebook.

I know people who are not computer savvy (experienced), but websites like Blogger and Facebook are easy to learn and experience. And it will keep your brain active and alert for a small part of each day. Furthermore, there is plenty of help and even forums where you can ask questions to an audience of your peers.

Facebook pages  are quite large, so I left them in their original screen-capture dimensions, but halved them to 144 dpi (dots per inch). May I strongly suggest that you view the pages in Blogger slide view mode. In that way, the writing and photos will be clearer.

You can see how clean and very presentable my Facebook page is. I have 2 other Facebook pages, and this one and another one, I want to maintain a stinger control over. As you will see later in the week, I opened up my Facebook page with my name, and I'm bing bombard with other people's toy images. This is fine, but my own get lost on the page, and some people send 10toy photos a day.

The good side of this is that I've got much more exposure, and joined some antique toy groups to also paste up my photos on their site.

The above screen-capture is my latest addition to my Facebook "Oldantiquetoys" page.
If you look in the lower left corner, you can see the words  Like, Comment, and Share".
Guests or viewers can  just click Like, write a comment. I can't remember what Share is.

This is how the photo appears in the slide view mode. There is a dark background that enhances the photos, and the type (writing) and photo are well proportioned,and neatly arranged on the page.

This is one of my photos without any commentary.

And this is a photo with a little bit of commentary.

And yet one more photo.
By the way, that's a 1940's-1950's Wyandotte convertible pressed steel wind-up toy.
It's missing the windshield, and sadly, no one seems to make them (yet!) on the Net.

My Blogger Stats

These are my stats which vary from day -to-day, month to month, and season to season. In the summer people have more time to spend outdoors,so visiting a blog is less important.

Please use the slide view mode to see this page much more clearly.
The top number of 200 are my stats from 7:00 P.M. the previous day until 12:00 today. Blogger 24 hour period is from &:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.M.

The third number of 8,208 is my stat for the month. I will reach 100,000+ this year, but because of referrer spam, and individuals looking at may pages, compared to some people viewing just 1 page, I have absolutely no idea exactly how many "unique" people visit my website.

This is a screen capture of my audience from around the world for the day up to 12:00 P.M. noon
The information is sorted by browsers and by computer operating systems.
To the left is a world map, and below that are the major top 10 countries. Last week, I saw someone from Mauritius.

This is a screen capture of my audience from around the world for the week. I would like to have a more universal audience, but I would assume that being an English blog, many people don;t want to need to translate what I write. I am very proud however at having worked hard to have people fem all over the world visit my blog.

If you like blogs or keeping in touch with your friends and relatives (Facebook), the Internet certainly is a fantastic place to be and to be on.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please feel free to write me anytime at

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