Saturday, February 15, 2014

Not Any Artist of Model Railroad Landscapes

Saturday,February 15, 2014
         (Moderately cold and cloudy)

Not Any Artist of Model Railroad Landscapes

   I was browsing on ebay and I was attracted to a very interesting photo for an article up for sale.  I wash;t exactly sure what I was looking at, so being an "investigative blogger", I had to stop and look. I was certainly glad I searched further, because what I found was  something very interesting. These are unique mini-scenes for placement in small railroad tabletop "worlds". Hobbyists who are really involved in model railroads like to build large-sized panoramas and tabletops, and fill them with the actual worldly scenes, people, and items around the railroads.

   You can purchase buildings, people, telephone poles and most anything else, and then add it to your model railroad tabletop. However, Mr. Don Ulmer goes one step further. He takes an idea and then works from there. I chose the most interesting scene for today's post and ail certainly return to add another post. I had received the OK both from Don, and another craftsperson, and both are extraordinary people. As a result, I had to select just one item from each - sometimes it's Christmas and I get all my "wishes" at once!

   Don was already a model railroad hobbist, and made his own world of scenes for his railroad. He then came up with the idea of sharing his artwork with others and selling on  ebay. He's become more known around the world, and even was once contacted by magazine to write an article. He prefers to make his own unique creations, rather than be asked to create "the same, same" for others. He's mentioned a few techniques, which are interesting.However, I know form having restored some old toys and tried to work with my hands that reading something and doing something are two very different things!

 Don has been selling on ebay for the last 5-6 years, and just created his own website. I've added both links under his name below.

I like the way Don adds titles to his "masterpieces".
This one is called "OOPS!!!"

I did some photo-editing" to add highlights to the photos. In the above the brighter highlights were done by me in Photoshop. Don's items  and fine artwork is more uniform and subtler.

I have to admit that I enjoyed writing this post, and laughing at myself. My wife Heidi is an interior designer, but also is very handy and knowledgeable when it comes to fixing things around the house and outside. My problem is that I don't like to listen to her "suggestions" and advise. If you came to my house, and saw for example, some of my own repairs to my fence you'd understand why I'm laughing at myself right now!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please feel free to write to me anytime at

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