Tuesday, February 18, 2014

More Beautifully Restored Vintage Toys from the Same Person

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
        (More snow and a bit warmer)

More Beautifully Restored Vintage Toys
From the Same Person

Two days ago, I added 2 posts about  2 exceptional craftspeople.Today's post is an extension about Paul) who prefers not to mention his family name. You an however find him on his ebay link below his logo, should you want to see more of his fine work, or even purchase one of them.

DOn;lt worry about the above photo looking like the paint is off colour in parts.
Paul's work is excellent. I purposely added some highlights to make his toys even more attractive (he really doesn't need any  help - the work is super!).

He's another view of this toy .I kept my photo photo-editing skills off this photo to show you the uniformity of his fine painting skills.

I did add some highlights here, but  left the tiles in the photo. This is a great photo from the standpoint of photography, but the high camera angle also illustrates the beautiful design of this original 1941 toy.

I added a few highlights to this nice looking scooter.

I like the way Paul includes old  pages with some of his merchandise.
I've written a few posts whereby I add the original ads or copyright paperwork with the original toys.It's great to be able to match the regional toy with the original advertisement to copyright.

It's amazing that these toys look like they just came off the factory assembly line yesterday!

Once again, I added some highlights to emphasize the nice work and features of this toy.
Now if I was just 60 years younger………

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
 Please feel free to write to me anytime at:


  1. Beautiful work! Love the 20th Century Limited.

  2. Hi Bob,
    Thanks for writing, but Paul deserves all the credit.
    I see that you have a nice photo of I belied an Arcase or Hubley Tractor and hay raker.
    Please feel free to "volunteer" to be a guest on my blog.
    If you have old (pre-1940) or antique (true 100 year old), toys, and photos, I'm always glad to add a post.

    Author of this blog
