Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Complete Presentation of Hubley Terraplanes

Thursday, February 20, 2014
                      (Sunny and mild)

A Complete Presentation of
Hubley Terraplanes

   I added a post on one Hubley cast Iron Terraplane a while ago, but never more than that. Yesterday, I decided to do a bit of research and found that I could present all of the Hubley Terraplanes (with 99% certainty) thanks to Bertoia Auctions. If you don't know already, I like to give each post exclusivity to just one collector or auctioneer or seller, so I it was great to see all of the Terraplanes on 1 website and one fine auctioneer.

   It turned out that a company by the name of Hudson started to produce these beautiful cars (the real ones) in 1932, and stopped production in 1938. Hudson had originally produced a car called the Essex, but dwindling sales required the Hudson Motor Company to come up with a newer model. The Terraplane was well-priced and well-designed, and became a success with large sales of the car.

That's a great photo of the Terraplane.
Notice how the hubcaps are aligned so the name "Terraplane" is  oriented
parallel to the ground on both the front and back hubcaps 
(a requirement when photographing cars).

A beautiful grille
The names Hudson and Essex, both British, were very popular in Great Britain, and thee Terraplane was produced around the world, and led to sales outside of the USA.

What's interesting with the above roadsters is their size. They're 4 1/2" (114 mm) long, compared with all of the other models that are 6" (152 mm) long. 
I wonder why Hubley chose to make them smaller?

I always like the way some cast iron manufacturers would use nickel-plated grilles.
In the Phaeton above, not only is the grille nickel-plated, but the frame (chassis) as well!

Thanks for dropping by, 
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please write to me anytime at

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