Monday, January 20, 2014

Please Do Not Copy the Photographs Without Written Permission

Monday, January 20, 2014
              (Cold and Snowing)

Please Do Not Copy
the Photographs without Written Permission
(A Special Request)

    If you're a regular visitor to my blog,have visited in once in a while, or today is your first visit, you will notice that I do several things to try and make this an interesting blog. I have been very fortunate to have many kind people such as collectors, buyers, sellers, auctioneers, and museums allow me to use their toy photos and written descriptions.

    I always try and add a written description, add a copyright notice, and recently a watermark over the image. I also try to present the toys against a white background and as needed improve the photos to present them too my viewers. However,these photos are not mine and do belong to their original owners. As such, photos cannot simply be used without asking from the original owner for permission. That is why I always add the copyright notices to each and every photo, as well as the watermark.

   I personally have had my own photos being used on other commercial websites without my permission, and I had to send an e-mail to ask the people and companies to remove them. For my own personal photos (the first 8 months of this blog, please feel free to ask me for permission and I will gladly allow you to use them, as long as you don't make money form them, and that you give me a credit mortice for each photo.

   As for a lll other photos, they are not mine, and you will have to ask the respective owner for permission.

  Yesterday, I was searching for new photos on the Net, and by sheer coincidence, came across a pair of 2 photos that I had recently used from an auctioneer. I have a good recall for photos and images, and if you've looked at my blog, you'll notice that I try not to have duplicates of images. 

Dan Morphy, the owner of Morphy Auctions is one of the fine people who have helped me with my blog. He allows me to use his high-qualtu photos and well-researched descriptions of toys for my blog. It was a pair of his photos that were used without any written permission as far as I know.
Also, there should have been a credit notice had the photos been borrowed.

© Copyright 2014 Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without the written permission of Morphy Auctions

The last pair of photos are the ones that were used without permission on someone else's website.
The screen-capture is from my own blog

© Copyright 2014 Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without the written permission of Morphy Auctions

The screen-capture above is simply an enlargement.
© Copyright 2014 Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without the written permission of Morphy Auctions

The screen-capture above is from Dan's website. The quality of the photos is great, however,sometimes, the transfer of images form one website (Morphy Auctions) to another (mine or Liveauctioneers or another site) can sometimes change.

© Copyright 2014 Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without the written permission of Morphy Auctions

The above pair of photo were enhanced by me but are owned by Morphy Auctions.What the person did was use the above pair of photos without permission As far as I know).Moreover, he/she removed the copyright notice and the watermarks.I sometimes do not place the watermark over the toy,but slightly to the side, so that people can appreciate the toy. Also, I don't like to make the watermark so BOLD, that it will distract from the toy.

 Many websites do not place a copyright notice or watermark with their photos, but the notice may be written somewhere. Also,even if the notice is not there, there is an understanding" that any written material, drawings, artwork, and photographs are copyright and belong to the original owner. 

So please do not use the photos on my blog or elsewhere without asking.
Most people are quite happy to allow you to use their material as long as you don't make money from them. I have had some people turn me down (say no),but that's their prerogative, and I respect that.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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