Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mr.Tom Harkness - A fine e-bay Seller

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
                 (Very cold and sunny)

Mr. Tom Harkness
(A Fine ebay seller)

Yesterday, I posted about an exemplary Doepke Jaguar convertible toy car that originally came as a kit to be assembled. That item was being sold by Mr. Tom Harkness a fine ebay seller. Today, I'm introducing you to Tom.  He's been on  ebay since 1988, which is a long span. Tom prefers any toy that was made before 1970.  What I noticed about Tom, and recently several other people, is that they like to use their Apple iPads to communicate. I would't be surprised if they also use their iPads to list new merchandise on ebay. He certainly has some nice items for sale this week on ebay,  and that's what I decided to post for today. 

Tom Harkness

Doepke certainly made their toys to be played with hard. This earth mover has a lever that allows earth to be spread out through the bottom of the holding unit. When you look at the 2 lower photos in the image below, notice how the bottom 2 photographs illustrate the opening of the bottom.

The gearing  movement mechanism certainly were built well.
Remember, that this is a toy made in the 1930's
Wolverine is a lessr-known toy company,but it did make some very interesting toys.

This Marx certainly is a colourful toy that has lots of nice lithographed detailing. What's of interest is the fact that the roof is canvas. It's rare that a car part would be made form canvas when metal would be more readmit available and easier to work with. Being a 1956 toy, plastic was now being used more, and you can see this in the windows.

Here's another great-looking and in very good condition Marx toy from 1931-1932.
More than 80 years old, and it still can be played with!

Tom's selective process certainly is excellent, and he has good luck in finding and reselling his toys.
What's more is that they are very good shape, and certainly present themselves well on today's post.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, 
have a great part  of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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