Friday, January 24, 2014

Mr. Larry Aucoin - A Canadian Seller of Toys and Antiques

Friday, January 24, 2014
       (Still very cold and cloudy)

Mr. Larry Aucoin
A Canadian Seller of Toys and Antiques

  This past Monday (January 20, 2014), I added a post about a Lincoln road grader. I'm trying to collect evert toy that the Lincoln Toys company (Canada) made.  Mr. Larry Aucoin from Ontario (Canada),  gave me the "OK" to use his photos.

  If you follow my blog, I've decided for 2014 to add "non-toy" items to introductory posts of new people and old to make the blog more interesting. As well, I see lots on the most interesting old and antique items, and decided to share some with you. So todays post is an introduction to Mr. Larry Aucoin. His "store" is on ebay  and he has lots of interesting items for sale.

Mr. Larry Aucoin

The written description on ebay  includes needles and records.
As well, the machine actually works!

You certainly have to admit that Larry has the most-diverse collection of items (just visit his ebay store). That record player (phonograph is certainly nice. I've actually heard the sound from one of these machines. It's scratchy,but you can hear clearly voices and music - a true step back in time! 

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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