Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Exceptional Toy Race Cars from Down Under

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
     (Mild, overcast, and intermittent drizzle)

Exceptional Toy Race Cars
from Down Under

   This past Sunday (January 12, 2014), I introduced you to Valerie and Dennis Howe - outstanding sellers on ebay (Australia). I had then presented a beautiful Kingsbury (USA) pressed steel Malcolm Campbell Blue Bird racer. It was photographed very well, and there were lots of detail photos that I had not seen before for this particular toy. At that point, I decided to post on the Blue Bird, rather than my original intention - today's 2 fine European toys - rare and beautiful.

   I also have added other items that Valerie and Dennis sell. For 2014, I've decided to add other items that my guests sell. THere are so many times that I see the most-interesting item that are non-toys. As a result, I've decided to add several items for each seller. I've also decided to add the flag of the country that I write about.

Dennis, Valerie's husband  does the photography, with the 2 working as layout artists to come up with well-executed photos that are wonderful to look at. The Lladro figurines are not rare or antiques, but they have very good value. Also,the photography and detailed photos are exceptional.

The fact that Valerie and Dennis take so much care in presenting their items for sale tells lots about the couple.  Too often I see photography that is poorly executed, and does not take advantage of the total number of photos that ebay offers for free (at least in the USA).

FOr myself, I appreciate being able to look at excellent photographs
 that present to me the item at its best.

Magnificent toys from a great couple of  ebay sellers. 

They' re actually called  "trading assistants" by  ebay, and they help supervise the listing, selling, answering questions,and shipping of merchandise for people who for whatever reasons prefer not to do their own selling.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.


  1. Are vintage toy cars a trend right now? I'm really excited about the idea, although while looking for race cars videos for kids I came across only tough and sometimes violent content, mostly suitable for adults. Of course you can expect near anything from the web, but still vintage car races would be a good idea.

  2. Hi Julia,

    I was just thinking about the F1 race today here in Montreal, and perhaps writing a post of the exact same topic. If you go to Bertoia auctions, then do a search for care cars, you WILL see that they are in fact very much in demand.

    Thanks for writing and visiting my blog,

    Stacey Bindman
