Friday, January 17, 2014

Beautiful Steelcraft Pressed Steel Toys

Friday, January 17, 2014
              (Mild and overcast)

Beautiful Steelcraft
Pressed Steel Toys

   Yesterday, I saw a very nice Steelcraft  toy being auctioned off on ebay. I sent an e-mail to the seller, and will be waiting for an answer.Nevertheless, I decided to check out Steelcraft toys. It was a successful American company in the 1920's-1940's era, and produced lots and lots of very nice and usually larger-sized toys.

"Steelcraft toys were made by Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co., a Cleveland firm that opened in 1919 to make parts for that recent invention, the automobile. By 1923, Murray also was making toy cars using the steel and production methods it used to manufacture full-size car parts. The toys were marketed as Steelcraft Wheel Goods.

This diversity helped Murray survive the Depression. The company’s pedal cars, airplanes, coaster wagons, bicycles and smaller wheeled toys were marked 'Steelcraft', the identification seen by today's collector.
Murray has made many other products, including lawn mowers and tractors. It even made special-order toy trucks that looked like a customer's full-size delivery trucks."*

*Courtesy of:

I decided  to present only 3 Steelcraft toys today.
When you have beautiful and superbly well-made toys, I didn't want to present my usual "10".
"Less is better", as the expression goes.

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day, wherever you may be.
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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