Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Best Resource on the Net for Old Architectural Toys - Period!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Best Resource on the Net for Old Architectural Toys - Period!

  Originally, I wrote a post about an exceptional website and of course the owner , Jackie Britton.  I thought that I wrote a nice post ,but about 6 months later, someone (I assume it was a friend) wrote a comment for this post.  I was taken aback, and had to read and reread to see how I might have offended a viewer, and more importantly my exceptional guest - Jackie Britton. The friend thought that I had grossly understated the person and her great achievement in collection an unbelievable group of architectural toys. More so, if I understood the  the friend's writing (British expressions) , I was told that I had  extreme "nerve" to steal all of this material!

  I had to think a while, because I can get quite angry! So I sat myself down, thought for a while, and wrote a comment to the reader and friend. It's too bad I never heard from her again, but perhaps Jackie will send her an e-mail and I will. Of course, I never use anyone's photos or narrative without their permission.

  I replied to the comment, and promised the friend that I would write another post about Jackie, and this time I would try and write (if one can) the true greatness of what Jackie has done. She has managed over time to amass a vast collection of architectural toys, while keeping busy working in museums for the last 25 years, having acquired a degree in engineering, and when I had wrote to her for her permission, had been travelling in India, almost a year ago.  I'll be sending Jackie an 
e-mail, and hope to hear from her.

That's Jackie as a young lady, and below her is her logo

  I only selected a "mere" 9 images from just the A list - imagine! There are still hundreds of different companies and 25 more letters in the alphabet to do!


   I was glad to hear from the read and Jackie's friend. I have lots of readers,but rarely do people write to me.I guess that's part an parcel of being a blogger.  So when the friend wrote, I appreciated her candour and honesty.  As the old expression goes from Mahatma Ghandi "out of the fry pan and into the fire". Basically, that means think carefully and well before you or write anything. I'm still learning at 65 years young.

By the way, Jackie, can I come over and play with your architectural toys, and can your friend come and play too (without any disrespect to anyone)?

Thanks for dropping by, 
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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