Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Having Fun with Fantastic Toys - An Introduction

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
               (Very cold in Montreal!)

Having Fun with Fantastic Toys and the Seller
(An Introduction)

   Today's post is somewhat different from my normal post.  I had seen this ebay merchant's toys for a long time. However, what first got my attention is his signature presentation of his toy photographs. He always has a toy book in the background with examples of antique toys. Of course, his merchandise is great and his photography equally matched. I contacted the merchant and Mr. Frederick Pals wrote back. He gave me his permission, and was very interested in how I would work with his photos in Photoshop. I wrote back thanking Frederick, and said that if he wanted, I'd send him a step-by-step series of photos from Photoshop screen-captures to illustrate how I adjust the images. I started out isolating the first toy image of the Carette Limousine, and then decided to "play around" and go one step further. I'd keep Frederick's "trademark" book in the photos,but would remove the colour! When I saw the first result, I was hooked, and decided to continue with more images. However, for today's post, I'm just giving you a "taste", and later in the week, I'll give you the main entree.

The above photo is a typical example of how Frederik presents his merchandise.


The above photo is the straightforward photo screen-captured from  ebay 

This is what I usually do - remove the background and the foundation (what the item is resting on).

Here's what I decided to do for today.

I still like a toy presented against a totally white background and foundation.
I find that this best illustrates the toy and its features.

An underside photo of the wind-up (key) mechanism.

The outstanding hand-painted face of the chauffeur.

This is even more "playing around". I still like Frederick's trademark book,
but without the colour. In this photo of the left oblique angle of the car, and the lower camera angle, the true majestic quality of this toy stands out best!

Don't forget that this is just the introductory post, 
and I will add a full post with many toys later in the week.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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