Sunday, December 22, 2013

Exceptional Photographic Treatment and Care-Part II

Sunday, December 22, 2013
        (Cold with blowing rain pellets)

Exceptional Photographic Treatment and Care-Part II

   A few Days ago, December 18, 2013 to be exact, I wrote the introduction about Mr. Vince Sarchese and his excellent ebay store - real_antiquesPlease click here to see the first post. 

   Perhaps, my title was not "catchy" enough, as I was disappointed that I did not get enough viewer to see the exceptional photography that Vince presented. The title was "Even Smaller Toys Are Given Special Attention". Perhaps, I have to come up with a better title.

   However, today's post and photos will surely get your attention. The photography shows even small detail, is well lit, and is in focus. Also, the toys are placed against white (my favourite), and even has a 6-sided clear plastic base that the items rest on.

   More importantly though is that there are very rare toys,and many toys that I haven't seen before.

I saved the  1910 Lehmann truck for last,because it's my favourite photographed toy. Of course it's high on my favourite likeable toys as well. There are plenty of details that you have to look for (the small spring on the steering wheel for example). The lighting is soft, and presents all the details form the shadows to the highlights  (dark and light areas), and the focus is sharp everywhere. I would say with a high certainty that Vince used a tripod to ensure sharpness and focus.

When you take such care to photograph your merchandise,  you have to have your heart into it.  At least that's what I felt when I photographed my toys. I had them for a short time, and marvelled how each toy was made, and how each one functioned. And my toys were at the most at any one time, no more than the most expensive at $ 300.00 U.S.  And even the small toys such as the Manoils and Tootsietoys were important to me. 

Toys are part of history, and when you buy and re-sell them, you hope that the buyer will feel the same way about them as well.

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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