Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Can't I Play with Your Fantastic Robots?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Fine Art of Linda DiBartolo and Kent Greenbaum
Why Can't I Play With Your Fantastic Robots?

  One of the skills that you pick up as a photographer, or at least I can say that with certainty is the ability to remember images. The downside to this is the fact that I sometimes am a sloppy organizer on my computer.  I must have 1000's of "bookmarks" on my Apple IMac browser (Safari),but I don't modify the title. So I have lots of great future stories to tell, if I can just start be organized! And so it was with today's story. 

  I had seen today's subject, and of course the artists and people associated with this great art, but never decided to write about them. "Art" was not part of my blog. However,  a month ago or earlier, I again came across these most-interesting pieces of art again, and this time I decided to "break the rule". Isn't there that old expression "rules are made to be broken?" I wrote to a person at their email address,  but completely forgot about the e-mail.  

   Last Friday, I got a simple reply with a big collection of the art of Linda DiBartolo and Kent Greenbaum.  I'm waiting for more information from both,so I don't know if both are artists or just Kent. I'm sure when I send my "your post is up,please proofread" letter , they will reply.  The photo files that I was sent are large-sized, and I was able to photo-edit them beautifully against the white background.

Being the owner of a dog (Buddy), I have to say that this is one robot that I like.

Of course, this is another of my favourites,and so had to be added at the end of the post.

I'll be e-mailing e-mailing Kent and Linda as soon as this post is finished, and I hope they open the mail soon. I'd like to have more of a story here to add. I know that on Linda and Kent's Facebook page, Linda is a lover of horses and even has her own horse.


There's a real story here. 
How come there weren't any horse robots for sale?

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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