Friday, November 15, 2013

Mr. Ilario Chiera - 1:43 Model Maker "Extraordinaire"

Friday, November 15, 2013
               (warmer and sunny)

Mr. Ilario Chiera
1:43 Model Maker Extraordinaire

   I was starting my day in the usual manner after toast and coffee at Tim Horton's ( a Canadian coffee chain). Lo and behold, I saw a fabulous model manufactured by Ilario. I did a check and found Mr. Ilario Chiera's website. I got his permission to write a post about him, and I was off.  His toy models are fabulous, but the image size was just a tad low for me, so I wrote if I could use his images from another website. Unfortunately, I couldn't. So I worked "extra hard" to present the images from his website, and they came out excellent! It's amazing what one can do if you try hard enough!

   Mr. Ilario Chiera was born near the Swiss border in Annecy, France in 1965. He had finished his eduation in a Trade School in France, and was working in a car accessory shop. In 1984, he purchased a 1/43 scale model from a local hobby shop by the name of "Annecy Miniatures", and as the expression goes, "the rest is history".  

To get a much more expanded version of Mr. Chiera's bio (to date),
 please visit the link below:

When you get to Ilario's website, you'll notice that it's in French. That';s not the end of the world. With Google, and I'm sure some of the other more popular search engines (browsers), you can translate the whole page into English (or other language). You also have the option to select text and then have it translated via any translator on the Net. I've found that translators are getting much better than they were 5 years ago. Of course, I only really translate French to english or vice-versa.

Actual Description taken from Ilario's Website
(In French)

Auto unique, créée par le carrossier français Franay. Une voiture très importante de l’histoire, puisqu’elle fut la première de la marque avec conduite à gauche pour s’adapter au marché mondial d’après guerre.
Le châssis a d’abord été présenté nu à Earls Court en 1948, puis fut prêté à un client important, M. Poberejsky, qui l’habilla en Sedanca de Ville pour le salon de Genève de 1949.
De retour à Crewe, elle fut vendue à Paris à Mme L. Rexach Benitez qui la confia à Franay pour construire un cabriolet deux portes, quatre places qui fut livré le 20 juin 1950. Mme Rexach possédant une maison à Nice, l’auto fut finalement enregistrée le 3 juillet 1963 sous la plaque 431 LP 06.
Restaurée en 1998-1999 elle remporte une récompense à Pebble Beach en 1999 et le Best of Show en 2004 au même concours, ainsi que de nombreux prix à bien des concours ensuite.
Une miniature originale qui ravira autant les collectionneurs de la marque que les amateurs de belles automobiles de l’histoire.
Composée de plus de 110 pièces détachées, élaborée selon les meilleures techniques actuelles, et superbement présentée dans un beau boitier vitrine, elle n’est produite qu’à 170 exemplaires pour le monde entier.

Google's Translation

Unique self , created by the French coachbuilder Franay . A very important car in history , since it was the first brand LHD to adapt to the global market after the war.

The chassis was first presented naked at Earls Court in 1948 and was loaned to an important client, Mr. Poberejsky , who dressed in Sedanca City for the Geneva Motor Show 1949 .

Back to Crewe , it was sold to Paris to L. Rexach Benitez who entrusted Franay to build a convertible two-door four-seater that was delivered June 20, 1950 . Ms. Rexach with a house in Nice, the car was finally recorded July 3, 1963 in the plate 431 LP 06.

Restored in 1998-1999 she won an award at Pebble Beach in 1999 and Best of Show in 2004 in the same competition , as well as numerous awards in many competitions then .

An original miniature delight both collectors brand lovers of beautiful cars in history.
Consisting of more than 110 parts , developed according to the best current techniques and beautifully presented in a beautiful display case , it is produced only 170 copies worldwide.

My Interpretation of the Google Translation (first 2 sentences)

This is a unique automobile that was created by the French coachbuilder Franay (a term for car body builder back then). Historically, this is a very important car, as it was the first brand LHD to adapt to the global market after WWII.

The first presentation of this car was at Earls Court in 1948. The body at that time was unfinished bare metal. In 1949,  the car was loaned by Franay to one of his clients, Mr. Poberejsky, who finished the body (painted), and presented in  Sedana for the 1949 Geneva Motor Show.

Ilario's models come in 3 different ranges (versions) depending upon the nature of the finish and final cost to the collector.  The common factor to each of the 3 different ranges (versions) is very careful supervision to ensure quality control, as well as hand assembly.

I. Ilario Model

Resin made with some parts made with a metallic looking finish. Many parts are photo-etched for enhanced details. A lot of care and supervision goes into the production of each car and its parts. Each model comes in a fine luxury box showcase measuring 15 cm x 15 cm (  6  7/8" x 6  7/8").
Accompanying each model is base made of fine wood and leather. There is also a small plate with the brand and name of the model car. 

This series has a limited production run, and each car is assembled by hand.

II. Chrome Model

As before, the basic model is made of resin. However, some parts are made of chrome.  Some parts are photo-etched for enhanced details. A lot of care and supervision goes into the production of each car and its parts. Each model comes in a fine luxury box showcase measuring 15 cm x 15 cm
 (  6  7/8" x 6  7/8"). Accompanying each model is base made of fine wood and leather. There is also a small plate with the brand and name of the model car. 

III. Nickel Model

The basic model is again made from resin.  Multiple different versions of the same model 
(e.g. paint colour variations) are manufactured. Doing this allows for increased production,with lower overall costs. A lot of care and supervision goes into the production of each car and its parts. Each model comes in a fine luxury box showcase measuring 15 cm x 15 cm
 (  6  7/8" x 6  7/8"). Accompanying each model is base made of fine wood and leather. There is also a small plate with the brand and name of the model car. 

I've used a translator to translate Ilario's descriptions from hi website, and of course, these translators are not perfect! So if you decide to purchase a model over the Net or from a local hobby store or ebay seller, please refer to the written description or the description of the  particular car and model on the box.

   You'll probably not find too many of these items for sale on  ebay USA, but go to ebay's  French, German, British sites, and you'll see lots and lots. Of course the same thing would happen with American models if one looked on any European ebay website. The great thing in the 21st century and the Net, is that with the added costs of shipping, you can buy anything anywhere in the world. Of course, your government will probably want to collect some taxes as well - nothing is perfect - yet!

 For those who don't know 1/43 or 1:43 is a term of scale that represents size. THe first number of 1 is the relative standard compared to the second number.  The larger the ratio (e.g. 1:128), the smaller the model, while the lower the number (e.g. 1:12) the larger the model).  

In the case of these models, they're about 5" (128mm) in length. That would mean that the original  actual car was about 215" or 17 3/4 feet  or 5.5 M

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a  great part of the day or night
 wherever you may be,

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