Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Marvellous Hidden Treasure Trove Newly Discovered

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Marvellous Hidden Treasure Trove
Recently Discovered

   I honestly can't remember how I came to find today's wonderful website and seller, but the fact that I did was a great discovery.  When I found the site, I know I had to write about it, so I contacted  the website and Mr. Steve Remington wrote back saying that I should check out another site titled "American Society of  Aviation Artists". I visited that site and it's unbelievable. You have to visit it if you like art and specifically aviation art. Their address (click ) is:

However, my interest was in  Collectair, where I had made my initial inquiry. So I wrote back, and made my request again to Mr. Remington.

Mr. Steve Remington is the treasurer of ASAA and is with, the site that I "discovered".
This site is an encyclopedia of old balsa models kits, and many other fine models made from other materials, as well as an actual location in Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.  Steve also happens to be the owner. I don't want to write too much, as Steve's introduction to is very well written with some mild comedy thrown in to make the read all the more interesting.

In Steve Hamilton's Own Words:

"My website covers my first job with Cessna Aircraft, working on the Cessna CH-1 helicopter - and some mention is also made of work with Hiller and our Progressive Aviation projects in the helicopter field.  I had a large commercial flying club organization with a peak of 500 members and 50 airplanes in San Jose, CA under the name Flying Country Club.  The San Jose businesses were closed down in 1999 and the facility sold as I moved to Santa Barbara and reopened my art gallery, CollectAir - but this time off an airport.  Besides being an artist, hobbies include model airplanes (old timers), sports cars (Jag XKE), and boating (have a 32' Luhrs FB Cruiser which I bought new in 1971).  Collecting includes wood model kits of vintage origin and an extensive display of military recognition material.  My wife and I enjoy western art and have attended major exhibitions throughout the country."

You've probably realized by now that the last 9 screen captures have been of the American high altitude bomber - the B-29 or the Boeing Superfortress.  I purposely added these just to give you an idea as to how much information and detail there is on this fabulous website. 

I've always admired people who had the ability to draw or paint - a talent sorely lacking in myself that I always needed as a teacher of professional photography.

I selected  the last screen capture of a December 1944 cover for the Saturday Evening Post, by Norman Rockwell. Although I can't read the signature on the painting, I'm sure it was painted by Norman Rockwell, the iconic American artist who was able to best illustrate America and its people in the best and worst of times, more that 60 years ago.

Those were the days!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Feel free to write to me anytime at:

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