Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pages of Motor Cars from the 1912 Bing Toy Catalogue

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
      (Another great autumn day)

Pages of Motor Cars
from the 1912 Bing Toy Catalogue

   It's been a slightly lazy day.  I went for a doctor's appointment at 07:30 A.M. this morning.  Later I put out an old love-seat on the street for collection by the city. I then went for a coffee. By the time I returned, someone had picked up the sofa before the city did. I thought that sofa was nicer than my wife said! We replaced it with an Ikea one! As I was gong out of the house for the coffee, the leafed  through the book while carefully drinking my coffee, and decided to try and match actual toys with the actual catalogue drawings. Bertoia Auctions  website was exceptionally busy, and I was advised to return later in the day. As for Liveauctioneers, I couldn't find cars to match up with the sketches in the catalogue book. So under a deadline to write, I decided to simply post the small section on "Motor Cars". 

New Cavendish Books

I'm unsure about what the copyright laws are about  using reproductions of reproductions from a book. Many publishers have copied and reissued antique toy catalogues from companies that have long ago closed down. So the question is whether individuals can in fact copy from modern-era books that have copied old era books I will be sending an e-mail to Cavendish  to ask and request if I might use their page reproductions.

 What's interesting are the prices marked in bold to the right of each line. I beleive the prices are quoted in shillings and pence. British pounds would be too high for 1912. Of course, if there are some British readers out there, could you help me out?When I have more time, I will be matching up actual toys with the page reproductions, if of course, I get the permission from New Cavendish Books.  On another note, I prefer hand drawings or sketches of toys from long ago. In my opinion, the quality of photos and the lighting does not match a well-done sketch.

There is a sub-menu in Photoshop that does allow you to manipulate photos to drawings, and so that "light" has just lit up in my head - now there's a future post for my blog!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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