Friday, October 11, 2013

I Thought that Antique Toy Car was a Bing!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Thought the Antique Car was a Bing!

  I'm writing this post of Friday, but I want it to show Saturday's date - so please don't be confused. Google enters the date when you post - what can I say!

   Anyway, yesterday's post was about the fine Bing "Motor Cars". If you read that post, you'll have read that I was easily confused by the Carette cars. I've ordered an old reproduction Carette catalogue for my next  "match the real antique toy with its catalogue sketch counterpart" post. Yesterday, I must have entered Carette, forgot, and then began screen-capturing Carette cars as Bings. After 40 minutes I realized the mistake, and threw everything out in the garbage can! So the next post obviously would be a comparison of 2 examples of Bing and Carette cars to show you how easy it is to get confused. I'm sure, somewhere there are identifying marks that specifically identify each manufacturer. However, rarely, are these presented in listings by the major auctioneers. They are very sure of what they post, so if they say Bing or Carette, you know that what they say is correct.

Of course, you can see "differences" if you look hard enough.  I'll let you do the comparing rather than my writing down all of the differences -that's your "homework" for today! Of course, if you bought  a either of the 2 Carettes above and thought they were Bings, you would not have made a bad deal.  The   Carette "Four-Seat Open Tourer"  went for $4,312.50 at auction, while the above dark green Carette Limousine went for $ 15,000,00 at auction.

Thanks for visiting, 
and as always have a great weekend,
(please feel free to write to me anytime at

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