Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Hans Eberl Toy Company

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
    (Continued Fabulous Fall Weather)

The Hans Eberl Toy Company

     It's about 20:00 P.M. EST (Canada Time) and I'll be posting in about 20 minutes from now.  I didn't have time to add the descriptions for the individual toys. It's been another nice day, and the weather forecast is sunny and in the mid 20's Celsius (mid 70's Fahrenheit) for the rest of the week. We have to start getting ready to winter (ugh! I hate dislike the season!). Today, I decided to redesign a framed wooden structure that we have to protect out swimming pool heat pump and sand filter from snow and ice.  For the past 15 years I've used just screws. I set up the structure in the fall, then dismantle it in the spring. The "problem" was that evert time I had to reassemble it, it never came together in the same way. So I figured this year that I'd buy those metal brackets that you use for fences or decks. This worked well in terms of how the structure looks, but some of the brackets did not give good support and the whole structure tilted. I had to use a brace to keep it firmly planted on the ground! So much for my carpentry skills! 

    Tomorrow is clean the garage day, as we need a new motor to close the garage door properly. My wife procrastinates, but when we had a few mice scurry under the improperly sealed door that can't be opened remotely anymore, that was the last straw! I trapped one, and was able to save one. It's not their fault that they ran into the garage and ate my grass seed - what does nature know?  So cleaning the garage is for the garage door man who aptly goes by the name of "Dor Doctor". Cleaning the garage and moving all of the summer stuff( leaf blower, lawn mower, rakes, shovels, weed snipper, etc., etc.,) will save the "Dor Doctor" time in installing a new system!


The Hans Eberl toy company existed in Nuremburg Germany from about 1910 - 1920.  The toys were colour lithographed on tin and many of them came with wind-up mechanisms. Their designs and construction were quite ornate and complex compared with American toys of the time. Today, these fine antique toys yield high prices at auction.  

Magnify these images.The face on this particular toy is exceptional in the tonality, the expression, and the realism of the human face!

The clear windows in the above toy are made of glass. One of the windows is cracked,but the rest are intact after almost 100 years!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.


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