Monday, September 16, 2013

The Fantastic Early Automobiles of Gunthermann

Monday, September  16, 2013

The Fantastic Early Automobiles of Gunthermann

   Even though I'm writing a blog in my leisure time, you begin to realize how fast time goes by. I checked as to when I last wrote about the Gunthermann company, and that was on December 6, 2012, when I first introduced the company or I first discovered Gunthermann. European toy companies had already been well-established, and their toys were well-crafted and much more ornate, complex, and   designed that American toys.  Of course, Europe had already been populated for nearly two millenia, while "New" America had only been around since the early 1500's  - a mere 400 years or so, up to 1900. WHen I say "New" I am only referring to eh new immigrants and  arrivals. Of course, the Native American Peoples were in North America for millenia. THeir style of life was certainly much more different.

A Brief History of Gunthermann

   The Gunterhmann toy company was founded in 1826 in Nurenberg Germany. Coincidentally, the world's largest toy fair happens every year there.  In its time, it was one of the most respected and long established manufacturers.  he company crafted beautifully-designed toys, and would use new manufacturing processes as they began to appear.  (e.g. lithographed colour on tin) for their toys.
When the automobile and airplane arrived on the scene, Gunthermann began to produce these toys in very accurate detail, with beautiful colours, and mechanical clockwork driven mechanisms. The company sometimes used the SG logo. In WWII, the company factory was destroyed.

    Please take some time to read the written descriptions. You'll find details such as glass, mechanical wind-up mechanism, hand-painted figures, lithographed tin, replacement figures and parts, and so forth. Even with replacement parts, these true antiques and toys yielded strong final auction prices. Many of the toys presented today were from the collection of Mr. Donald Kaufmann, who was one of America's most renowned and respected toy collectors in the  middle and latter 20th century. Fortunately for myself, I am able to find so many beautiful Examples of Gunthermann automobiles in one location.

What's interesting to read are the written descriptions and words, as well as the  techniques (e.g.hand-painted). There are terms and words used for the automobiles (not cars in those days), that we  don't come across any more in North America. Headlamps, vis-a-vis, lanterns, bonnet, and buckboard are just a few to name. 

Of course, when learning about toys , as I still am and will be for a long time, you will always be learning old words that have long since been placed in "storage". Fortunately, there will always be collectors to keep these toys and the language of toys alive.  And that for sure is a great thing!

I hope you all have a fine day to start this week.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, have  agreat part fo the day or nioght,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman
(Please feel free to write to me anytime - I'm always looking for new stories and old toys)

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