Monday, September 9, 2013

The Actual Gong Toys to go with the 1902-1903 Catalogue

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Actual Gong toys to 
go with the 1902-1903 Catalogue

   As luck would have it (As the expression goes), I visited one of my many reliable  sources of images - James D. Julia. I looked and looked,and then from an auction from way back, I found "treasure". In the auction was a  large "cache" of beautiful Gong toys from the 1902-1903 catalogue. I left the images as they were photographed,and added the watermark and copyright notices, but here they are for your enjoyment.

I thought that the The "Clown with Jumping Dog" would be the highest-priced at auction, but I was wrong. It was one of my favourites, and it was more complex that the others. Fortunately, there were 2 of these fine toys that were sold back then. As you can see time and usage does make a difference among  toys.

There are 41 illustrations in the catalogue, and I was able to find 20 photographs from 1 auction.
The great thing about a blog is that I can always revise it in the future. There are still 24 of these fantastic Gong toys out there to be found. 

If anyone is reading this blog and find a photo or actually has one or more of the missing toys,by all means please write to me. I'm always at liberty to put the pieces of the puzzle altogether!

Thanks for dropping by today,
and as always, have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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