Friday, September 27, 2013

An Excellent E-Bay Seller Answers an Old Question

Friday, September 27, 2013
  Yet another fantastic early autumn day!

An Excellent E-Bay Seller Answers an Old Question

    I visit my mailboxes daily, since I never know what mail I'll have. Yesterday, I was surprised to find an answer to a question that I had asked on my June 25, 2013 post about Harley-Davidson and Indian motorcycles.

I got the answer below:
You said:  The story behind the above toy is quite interesting. I'm a bit confused by the written description, so perhaps some export might help me out.   The toy above was made after Hubley had stopped using the "Indian" and Harley-Davidson names. My confusion lies in the fact that the decal "Harley" was still on the side of the toy.
The decal on the side of the later toy does not say Harley Davidson but HUBLEY TOYS on the side of the tank.  Also Champion was an entirely different company and I see this mistake frequently but they were not Hubley.  Champion also made vehicles.  I've attached a couple pictures. 

Note the larger gas and stake trucks on the left side of my picture.  They are Champion Brand Toys.  Also included is a Hubley Indian with Rider.  The police rider is a replacement but this came both with Driver and rider and Driver without the rider so either way it would be complete.

Feel free to use any pictures.  

* Courtesy of Mr. Clifford Olsen

I did some very minor clean-up in Photoshop, but Cliff takes nice photos and lots of them when he sells toys. He also mentioned that he tries to find toys in very nice condition, and of course rarer examples.
Another item that he has sold and sells are fine  writing pens. For a while, while I was teaching, I purchased inexpensive fountain pens on E-Bay. My writing is not very legible,and so I would write my comments to students with a fountain pen. You have to write slower, and being a left-handed person I tend to smudge the wet ink. Of course, my hand-writing never improved. However, his very intricate and expensive pens maybe might help!

  I immediately wrote back to Mr. Clifford Olsen and thanked him. I then asked if he might send some photos and if I could also used some of his current listings on ebay so that I might add a post about him. After all,if I just added his answer to the Harley post,  that wouldn't be enough of a thank you from me. He sent some nice photos, and then another older sold listing which interestingly enough I was able to find. Usually on  ebay, you can;t bring up the photos of a past auction after 90 days, but fortunately, I was for the old French toy,which you'll see below.

I'd written a post once about the Triang toy company. It's most interesting and was founded in  England. However, the interesting part was that the company had a manufacturing plant in Quebec (Canada), and sold toys in North America!.

Please read the description of this toy. For a toy that's at least 100 years old, it certainly was very complex in terms of its movement.  Finally below is a Marx  "Mighty Kong" Gorilla. I don't usually include any toys after 1940, but in this case I did. The Marx toy is in excellent condition, but for missing a wind-up key. I'm sure it can be found or a replacement found on ebay.

I'm now off to walk our dog Buddy, and to go outdoors.With this unbelievable weather up here, you have to to enjoy it while it lasts. They say that we have 4 seasons, and some people say we have 3.
For me there's 2 - hot and cold. The ice and snow start to melt in late March, and by early May the snow is gone (although it has snowed in May). By the end of August, the days are very short, and the nights get cold. Of course, since I'm not moving anywhere, I live with the weather,and the changes are enjoyed nevertheless. Of course my trip to Hawaii made me think - beautiful weather all the time, and warm!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you msy be.

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