Friday, September 13, 2013

A Great Toy Photographer From Down Under

Friday, September 

A Great Toy Photographer 
From Down Under

 Yesterday, I introduced you to, a great resource for seeking out information on all toy vehicles - modern, old, and antique.  One of the ebay links on this site was an e-bayer who goes by the name of Broang. His real name is Mr.  Neil Robbins, who happens to live in Australia (Down Under). is a website that partners with  ebay and has links to toys that Mr. Harmjan Henning  has written about with regard to toy company histories - past and present.

   I know that I would only ask for permission from only 1 person to use his photo and link on  ebay  and I knew right away which person I was going to use. I didn't know his name yet, but his photography was super! I clicked on the photo, and came to Neil Robbins' site on ebay. At this time he is selling off his collection of busses (mostly die-cast). He sells other merchandise, and so I only found 4 of his busses that I wanted to use to present and 1 that had been sold. You can usually go to a seller's feedback  on  ebay and see buyers and seller comments for any particular person. I was able to find 1 more sale of a bus, and I now had 5.


I  used the photo above on my post about Fabtintoys

I wanted to play around with these 3 photos, but I basically left them as it.  I did whiten up the surrounding, but the basic camera angles and focal length choices were all Neil. I complimented Neil on his great photography. It's not as easy as it looks to take a single item, and photography it without "frills" such as an interesting foundation (surface), background, props (items to compliment the main item and to enhance it), or lighting.Except for the first photo which is pressed steel and large in size, the other toys (except the Bedford) are all small, painted die cast with rubber wheels, and plastic windshield.

 Did you notice that the top and bottom photos (the last 3-image photo) are of the box, while the centre photo is the actual toy? 

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,


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