Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kingsbury Cars with Lots of Colour

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kingsbury Cars with Lots of Colour

    Yesterday, I promised that I'd present what I feel is a fabulous post. Of course, since I hardly ever received any comments from you, my readers I seldom know if I'm doing good job, or if my opinions are valid. Sooooo....! If anyone would like to comment, now's the time. Just add your comment at the bottom of the post, or if you'd like to write and keep the conversation private, just e-mail me,
 (Mr.) Stacey Bindman (toy

    When I started to screen-capture all of these images from Bertoia Auctions excellent website, I had no idea I'd be downloading so many. This post certainly relates to the expression "a journey begins with one step at a time".  By the time I had finished I had download close to 50 images, of which I used what you see below. What I found amazing for myself is being able to screen-capture so many differnet images and only making 2-3 mistakes, which were in the duplication of similar colour schemes or combinations. What all this  beautiful colour reminded me of was the famous expression from Henry Ford in his 1923 autobiography - "Henry Ford - My Life and Work" where he says "Any customer can have a car painted any colour so long as it is black"*


If you visited yesterday's post (July 27, 2013), you would have read that Kingsbury made 4 different models of cars:

1. Sport roadster
2.  Coupe
3. Landau sedan / town car - 2 windows on each side
4. Town car - 3 windows on each side
5. Town Car /Cabriolet

1. The Kingsbury Sport Roadsters

2. The Kingsbury Coupe

3. The Kingsbury  Landau Sedan / Town car
(2 windows on each side)

  4. The Kingsbury  Landau Sedan / Town car
(3 windows on each side)

5. The Kingsbury Town Car (Cabriolet)

5. The Kingsbury Cars
(An attempt to explain the model numbers)

   I don't have a  Kingsbury catalogue - yet! So I've had to try and figure out the catalogue numbering system. So here are my deductions which might be wrong:

1. The cars all have license plates with the model of the car.

2. Cars with non-operating headlights (earlier models) will have a 3 for the first of a 3-digit number

3. Cars with electric-operating headlights (battery) will have a 2  for the first of a 3-digit number

You can compare the number 345 with the number 245 to see the differences.

  I'm unsure as to what the numbers are for the differnt types of cars. I have written them down, but some seem to vary from type to type, with 2 different types having the same license plate or number. For sure, I'll have to do some more "digging" (research). Of course, if anyone out there, especially in Keene, New Hampshire (USA) has a catalogue, that would make my job a lot easier!

  I hope everyone enjoys today's post as much as me, and  if you do, please don't be shy to write me!

Thanks for dropping by,

and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you my be,

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