Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2 Beautiful Tootsietoy Kits

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
                (Post #2 of the day)

2 Beautiful Tootsietoy Kits

   Today, I already wrote a post about the 1950's and earlier, tethered toy race cars.  I was looking for more on E-Bay, specifically from oldtoystoreusa. THe owner, by the name of Gary had given me the "OK" to write about him and his store once before, and for any future posts. I didn't find the tethered cars, at least not in his current auctions, but I did see 2 great "finds" that most certainly caught my attention.

   The "finds" were 2 beautiful kits or sets of Tootsietoys - the American equivalent of Dinkey or Matchbox (Great Britain). When I started to buy and sell on E-Bay (*my first year posting on this blog), Tootsietoys caught my attention immediately. THey were beautifully-designed, there were lots of different models, and they were within my budget.  By the way, if you don't know about Dinkey, Matchbox, or Tootsietoy, these are all small toys measuring about 3-6 inches  (.077M-.154M) long depending on whether the toy is just by itself, or with a hauler (e.g. truck). 

   I've used "kits" before, but never had plenty of photos in larger-sized files to add to a post. So today, I finally have that chance.

Please click here to visit this fine ebay merchant

   The above kit allowed you to assemble the chassis (bottom part or undercarriage) with the car body. Since the parts were similar, you could "mix and match" different colour combinations. Considering that this kit was form the 1930's, it's an fantastic find.

   I like the 1930's toys and artwork, as well as art from that era.  It's very easy to understand,and the designs are very geometric.

I've never seen that small delivery motorcycle with the rider and his red cap. That's not to say that it's rare, but I'll have to search it out to see what price it gets in the marketplace.

There are a few great websites that discuss Tootsietoys. 
If you search out my last Tootsietoy post, you'll find  a great California collector who helped me out on a post. He also happens to be very knowledgeable on these toys!

Here's something else to see when there is a new and complete kit.
It's the red cover that goes over the green "Long Distance Hauling".  Unless you know about Tootsietoys, you might purchase a single truck and hauler without the cover, not knowing that it ever had one originally.

So even when  I've bought and sold many Tootsietoys, there is always something new to discover.
That's one of the things what makes writing about old toys so interesting!

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a great part of the day
wherever you may be.


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