Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Still More Insect Toys!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
(A Related Second Post of the day)

Still More Insect Toys

   I decided to check out another of my fine contributors to my blogs, and found a whole "batch" of other excellent insect toys, so I couldn't pass up the idea of adding a second post on the same subject. I might even do this more often.

   As I mentioned in the previous post, I prefer to give each auctioneer a unique posting for their fine photographs. Usually I have enough images form the auctioneers from many years of auctions, so I stay exclusively with one. These 2 postings of insect toys has given me an idea. What I might do in the future is add a second different post by another auctioneer, and then "link" the 2 posts together.

   To add 2 posts daily would simply be too much work for 1 day!

© Copyright 2013      Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without their written permission

© Copyright 2013      Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without their written permission

© Copyright 2013      Morphy Auctions
Please do not copy without their written permission

      I have a funny story to tell you before I finish. Last week, I went to help my neighbour with her lawn. Anouk came over to ask for some advise, and I decided to help her. We removed all of the weeds and grass (mostly weeds),and then we added grass seeds and black earth and fertilizer. 

    Naturally, the topic of grubs came up, but she didn't find any when she had already started the seeding process. Anyway, as I was turning up the soil, I immediately came upon several white grubs (please see the previous post for their photos), and "squished them".  Anouk was surprised, and said that she though they were "good insects" and simply put them back in the soil.

    When I went home to my house across the street, I pondered her words,and then laughed at myself.  We have a swimming pool in my our back yard, and I'm always playing "lifesaver" to insects that happen to fall into the water. I think the blue paint of the swimming pool tricks them into thinking that's the sky, and they lost their sensde of sky and ground.

    What happened is that I kept saving evolve into grubs, which kill my grass - I had a good laugh at myself!

    As you can see from today's 2 posts, there certainly are a lot of nice looking beetles and a few bugs and other insects. I like them as toys, but after all these years, I still don't like insects all that much!

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.


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