Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hot Air Balloons

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hot Air Balloons

   The first recorded and unmanned hot air balloon can be dated to China. Zhuge Lianf (SHu Han kingdom - 220-280 AS) used lanterns (probably paper-framed shapes with candles) as a way of communicating instructions during wars.

   The first untethered (no strings attached) flight of a hot air balloon took place on November 21, 1783 by Mr. Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent D'Arlandes.Tghat balloon was made by the Montgalfier brothers on December 14, 1782. A hot air balloon basically has a container (the balloon) to catch hot air heated by a source such as an open flame (fire). At the bottom of the balloon and attached by ropes is the gondola or structure to carry its riders. 

   By the late 1700's and afterwards, hot air balloons were used for observation during wars.

    There is another form of balloon called the gas balloon. The gas balloon  uses lighter than air gasses to carry the balloon and its riders upwards. However, in this case, the actual balloon must be enclosed to retain or to release the gasses.

Most of the toy hot air balloons work with a rope. A sting is pulled through the tin-plated balloon to one end. As the balloon is then released, it slowly descends the length of the rope in a swaying motion until it reached the end of the rope. AS you can plainly see from the photos, the toys were quite colourful, and  even were "manned".

Thanks for dropping by,

and as always, 
have a pleasant part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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