Monday, May 13, 2013

Did You Know?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Did You Know?
(Some Model Trains are made of Brass)

     A few weeks ago, I was speaking with someone in Tim Horton's (A very successful Canadian coffee restaurant chain in North America). The conversation turned to toy trains, when I asked the person if she had any old toys. The only toys she had but had given them away were a set of brass electric train toys. That perked my interest since I didn't know that model trains were sometimes made of brass. IN fact maybe more than "some" might have ben made form this alloy. As it turns out, the lady informed me that brass if a very useful allow for modelling, because it can reproduce very small detail. If you've ever seen metallic model trains up close, you'll know that there is always lots of minute detail on all of the engines and cars. 

   The dimensions of the train images are too wide to present larger-sizes. However, if you click any image, you will be able to see the larger sizes as well as the fine detail on the trains. In looking at these fine examples, I now realize why trains were so expensive even when I was a child. First, there were always so many different train cars and engines to be made, and secondly, there were so many parts that had to be assembled.

   I assume that trains that are made of brass, are subsequently painted over in the respective colours in terms of what they are modelled after. It's too bad, because the detail is so apparent and "striking" when the trains are presented in their unpainted states.

Thanks for visiting,

and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

Coordinates58°06′24″N 68°23′55″W
Coordinates58°06′24″N 68°23′55″W

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