Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Other Cast Iron Toy Stove Manufacturers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Other Cast Iron Stove Toy Manufacturers

     This past Monday, I had written about the Hubley cast iron toy stoves. Obviously, the other major American cast iron toy makers were also making cast iron toy stoves. I can't even imagine the logistics of selling these toys! They must have weighed a lot, so costs for transportation were high. Workers had to load them for transportation, and parents and children had to play with them. Imagine if a child forgot to put away this toy, and a parent stubbed his or her toe on it - ouch!

   What's interesting about these toys is that children would actually want them. I also wonder if they could actually be used to cook with. I'd wouldn't want to have read about a young child lighting up a fire to "pretend" to cook like his/her mother, and then burnt down the home! What's also interesting is that for the most part, they don't fetch the large prices like some other toys from this era and later on, yet their conditions are superb for being 90-110 years old.

  The stove above is actually copper-plated. Most of the other stoves are nickel-plated.

     When I used to go fishing a long time ago by myself or with my brother or father, we'd stay in log cabins. We'd  use s"real" stoves like the one above to heat the cabin, and to cook food, or boil water for washing. However, the ones that we used were straightforward cast iron, without the "fancy" nickel-plating. I'm sure some of those stoves were quite old as well.  I'm also sure, that even today, there are a few manufacturers who make "retro" - looking cast iron stoves.

     What's amazing is that there were so many different models from each manufacturer. I can imagine a small child going to the toy store and  being indecisive about which stove he or she wanted. I'm sure though, mostly young girls played with these stoves. I would hope that the stores at those times, kept these toys low to the ground for ease of access!

Thanks for dropping by,

and as always,
have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.


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