Monday, April 22, 2013

It's Called a What?

Monday, April 22, 2013
       (Still very cold for April!)

It's Called a What?
(The Automaton)

  By now you should know that when I start to look for 1 topic or toy, I inevitably end up finding something else. Today's post is about the automaton. Until yesterday,I had never heard of the word, let alone this  type of toy. 

*Reference (

  As it turns out, these toys were mostly human figures that moved.  As well, incorporated into the automaton was a music box. The majority of these very fine "machines" were made in Germany and France from the 1850's-1900's. The human figures were also mostly dolls. from the more-renowned doll-makers of the time. The dolls were made from the finest materials of the time. Hair could be made from mohair, the clothing from silk, and the doll heads from bisque.
Bisque is a form of porcelain that has a matte (flat) finish.  The matte finish allows for a more-realistic finish to the doll's face. Also, the faces would have beautiful glass eyes, and the eyelashes would be meticulously hand-painted on to the doll's face.

   These fine "collectibles" garner high prices at auctions, and I'm sure they are worth it for those who do collect them. Not only is this type of toy very interesting in terms of movement and music, but the detail of the dolls themselves are true beauty to behold. If you magnify the images, you can even see the fine detail that went into the production of the hands of the dolls.

Thanks for dropping by to read my blog.

As always, have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.


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