Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is that a Bliss Ship?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Is that a Bliss Ship?

    Yesterday's post was all about the  R. Bliss Manufacturing Company. I hypothesized that one could "easily" identify a Bliss ship just from looking at enough of them on the Net. So if you were ever at a flea market, garage sale (Canada), yard sale (USA), or antique bazaar, and you saw one going for a "real steal", then you could buy it right away! 

   I rarely provide the identifying characteristics of any toy, but mostly write about the toy companies, and  their many toys. Yesterday however, I thought about the "identifying characteristics" of a Bliss ship. So today, I'm going to present to you 9 ships, and try and see if you can identify the common characteristics, that make these ships what they are.  At the end of this post, I'll tell you what I see.

Common Characteristics of a Bliss Ship

1.  Most of their boats have "painted waves" at the bottom side of their ships. However, Reed Ships also have the painted waves on their ships!
2.   Flags
3.   All are lithographed paper on wood. 
4.  Most were made of wood, butI did find one ship made of metal, 
    but I can't find the website now- ugh!
4.  Wooden wheels
5.  Since they have wooden wheels, they would be classified as "pull toys", 
     and originally would have come with a piece of cord attached to the toy.
6. The ship sizes are quite long for a toy.

   I'm posting late again today, as I was still doing my seasonal lawn chores. I'm finished for now, until a cubic yard of topsoil arrives ( 1 yard x 1 yard x 1 yard or .926M x .926M x .926M). I learned a hard lesson about 25 years ago,when I ordered 3 yards of topsoil. It took me 3 weeks to place it all over my lawn. Unlike most "lessons" that take me 3-4 times to learn, this one was learned fast!

                                  Thanks for dropping by,
                      and as always, have a great part of the day,
                                  wherever you may be.

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