Saturday, March 16, 2013

Balsa Wood Airflow Models - Wow!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Otto  Vallastro
Balsa Wood Airflow Models

    Today, I was looking at images for a future post, when I came across Chrysler and DeSoto Airflow Models. At first, I thought they were Hubley cast iron toys, but when I read the text, these were specially-made models for someone by the name of Mr. Dick Ford (to be searched for). These models were hand-crafted by Mr. Otto Vallastro, who I had some trouble finding material on. 

   However,  Bertoia Auctions,  had described Otto as an "extraordinary craftsman" whose work has appeared in several museums. Naturally, having been attracted to these fantastic models, I decided to add them to an extra post for today. 

   It's too bad that the image sizes weren't larger so that you could see them better.  I was especially engrossed by the fact that these models were made from balsa wood. The paint jobs on these models was outstanding.

   Here's a Hubley Cast Iron you that I sold last year on E-Bay.When you remove the rear tire, the nickel-plated chassis (frame) separates from the salmon-coloured body. The wheels are made form wood. As for the Hubley models, I've written about them before, and they came in several different models, sizes, and some even had battery-operated headlights. They're one of my favourite toys.

   Also, do a search on the internet for the original Chrysler Airflow. It was a beautifully-desined car, with a fantastic front grill. Unfortunately, it  wasn't a big seller, and was only produced for 3-4 years.

I don't think these models are particularly old, but they certainly are  collector's item, especially since these are one-of-a-kind made specifically for Dick Ford.

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a restful weekend, if you're viewing this today, and if not, have a great part of the day wherever you may be.

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