Saturday, March 30, 2013

Early Fokker Toy Airplanes

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Early Fokker Toy Airplanes


   Fokker was a Dutch (Holland) aircraft manufacturer created by its founder - Mr. Anthony Fokker. The company started in 1912 in Germany, and eventually moved to Holland (The Netherlands) in 1919.  It was a very successful airplane manufacturer seeing its most prosperous periods in the 1920's and 1930's. Sadly,in 1996 the company went into bankruptcy, and its operations were purchased by its competitors. The tri-motor passenger aircraft that you'll see examples of below were one of tis most successful  aircraft. 54 international airplanes used the airplane, and Fokker captured 40% of the American market.

   The history of the Fokker Company is even more interesting, but I've abridged the first part from Wikipedia. You might want to venture to Wikipedia for the full story.

(Courtesy of

Thanks for visiting,
and I hope everyone is having a restful Easter holiday
or nice spring day.


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