Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DIECASTMODELS.CO - The Industry Source

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIECASTMODELS.CO- The Industry Source

    I first came across DIECASTMODELS.CO when I started to write about die-cast models.  For those who don't know, a "model" is a collector's item rather than a toy. Also almost every site selling these models usually has a notice to the effect that these models are not for small children under 5-6 years of age. The reason for this is the numerous parts and components that make up these models, hence the caution against swallowing anything! I even saw 1 warning with the age level placed at 14. The reason for this is that these models can be very expensive, and as such,   any collector would be wise to know if the young person is mature enough to handle these items.

  Returning to the DIECASTMODELS.CO  company, they are 1 of the largest distributors and sellers of models in the USA. There were several reasons that this fine site caught my eye. First, their photography is A+++.  The images are colour-balanced, isolated against a white background, in focus, plenty of shadow detail,  and large. Secondly, almost any type of model that you can think of is probably sold here. 

   I had spoke with Mr. Ryan Reagles (President) and Mr. Nicholas Neumann a few times, eagerly awaiting to get the OK. Of course, I'm a retired blogger, and these men are hard-working  people running a great company. Yesterday, I got the OK.

   I can't say enough about this site. I get to see all kinds of machines that are based on real machinery that  always is working somewhere in the world. Also their photography is exceptional. 
Ryan suggested that I add a link to each photo, so that you'll be able to go directly to where I had screen-captured their images. I would suggest that you go directly to the link. When I screen-capture and group photos together, Blogger only allows me a maximum of 5 MB / image or composite. As such, the images are "shrunk" even though I set them to 144 DPI for magnification. However when you go to the DIECASTMODELS.CO  site, you will see even better photos! 

   Ryan does the photography himself, or perhaps with assistants. I asked where he learned his "craft" ( his work is excellent), and he said on Youtube.  Whoa! Now that's an achievement. But never mind the skill. Where does he find the time to take the photos and then upload them to the site after resizing them cataloging them , and so forth. He must have assistants to help out, since of course, he has to run the company.

  The company offers fast  shipping, great pricing, and a 1-800 telephone number to  answer any questions.  Now that's service. 

  I thought toys were a big industry, but models appear to be big on the list of collectibles, especially for those people who actually work or power these machines. So for today, I'm just "introducing" you to this company. Please note that the company website does not have an "m" at the end.

(please click to be redirected to this great site and resource)

    Don't forget that I've added links under each image for you to be redirected to the actual company site and to the specific model. This certainly was a great idea from Ryan!

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