Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Royal Museums Greenwich

Thursday, January 17, 2013
      (Post # 2 of the Day)

Wednesday, February, 13, 2013

Royal Museums Greenwich

   I had waited and sent several e-mails, but hadn't heard from the museum. So I returned today to the site, and checked out the copyright page below.

    I don't make any income from this blog, and provide the blog more for the public's interest, and the pleasure that I get form writing and learning about the subject of old toys. So I decided that I'd take the initiative and post. I'll also send a third e-mail and see if I get a reply.

  Looking for old toys photos and information on the Net is like that famous expression from the movie Forest Gump - " Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". And so it is! Last Sunday, I was searching out Paya toys, when I accidently came upon 
Royal Museums Greenwich. The sight didn't seem to have many toys initially,but for the Paya toys that I had found. 

    I had written on  Sunday ( 5 weeks ago) to the Royal to ask for permission to use some of their photos for a post, and early Monday morning I had an answer from  Sarah Beighton, the E-Commerce and Print Executive for the Museum. I was slightly, but mildly taken aback, when she asked which photos I might be using and in what context. I say slightly, as I woke up at 4:00 A.M. However, I like a challenge, and as the expression goes "times does not for for no man (or woman)". 

   So I quickly perused the site, found my Paya toys, and some other images, and captured them for after my regular coffee at Dunkin Donuts.

   I waited,  but I knew that I'd hear from Sarah Breighton eventually.  I figured that she was very busy, and eventually I'd here from her. And so I did today. I already had written the blog a while back, so all I had to do for today is write this small paragraph, re-set the posting date,and here it is the beautiful toys from the Royal Museums Greenwich.

   So below is my blog for today. Not all of the photos are of toys, but I'll certainly bet that if someone had that nice montage of the 4 images of the barge, they certainly didn't let it sit on their mantle place - looking. At least, I would have taken it for a tryout in the park! I'd be playing with that fine item, even if it was a model for a large-sized shipping company!  

   Now that I have the "OK", I'd like to return to the Museum and look at more of their beautifully photographed toys, and probably writ another post.

(please press on the above address to be redirected to the Royal Museums Grenwich site.

Like the USA, Great Britain was famous for their piers. Piers were huge attractions from the 1870's-1950's,and in some places they still are. I remember going to Atlantic City in the 1950's with my brothers and sister and parents and going on the piers. There was the diving horse that jumped into the water with a rider. There was a giant net that lifted up every 24 hours to show you the fish that were caught in it. And of course, there were hotdog stands, popcorn, and most-famously - salt water taffy!

Now we're talking! What a beautiful model.
I wonder if model builders tested their boats in water to see if their watertight?

Thanks for dropping by,
and as usual, 
have a great morning, afternoon, or evening
wherever you may be.


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