Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Train Collectors Association (Western Division)

Saturday, January  19, 2013

The Train Collectors Association
(Western Division)

   Thursday evening, I was looking for a particular old train toy by the manufacturer's name of Carette. I had seen this brand of toy on Live Auctioneers, and naturally it stimulated my curiosity. I did a search on Google,and I came across the Western Division of The Train Collectors Association.
The Western Division turned out to be an even greater discovery than the toys, because the information there has exceptional detail and information, not to mention, of course the fine-quality photos.

(Please click on the above e-mail address to be redirected  to tis fine site)

   You can see from the history that this Western Division has been around at the time that I 6 years old! I hope that the children and grandchildren of the members are joining to keep the association going for the next 50 years at least.

    When I was looking through the site, I tried to select images with different colours, and as many different types of engines and cars as possible. Without much effort, I was able to easily find what I was looking for, and I only happened to view about 50% of all the different brands on this informative website.

   I can't even imagine when the members all get together for the time when all of the railroads are laid out for viewing!  I know the excitement that comes about. I was at the Toronto Antique Show and Railway Show (a room by itself), and it was fantastic. There were umpteen railroad tracks, landscapes, miniature animals, people, and trees, and of course trees, varied altitudes and many other interesting attractions.

   I especially like the accessories that accompany the trains. The accessories are almost as big an industry as the trains! Often, the train collector will even build his/her own miniature world to accompany the train sets.

     While I was working on this post, I realized just how many railroad companies and railroad beds have disappeared or been acquired by other companies. Like every other industry, the train industry has had to change, and grow. Many of the larger companies of today, have bought out other smaller companies, more for their railway tracks and routes. Also, many routes have simply closed down. Unprofitable coal, iron or precious metal metal mines, forestry railways, smaller routes that are no longer cater to travel, have all disappeared. However,it's not always a sad story.   

(Please click on the above link to see this fabulous re-development of an old railroad track)

    When I first started to date my wife Heidi some 26 years ago, we'd travel up North to go to what are called The Laurentians (Les Laurentides in French). The mountains are great for skiing. On the way, there was an old train station that I always wanted to buy, but never did. It was right on the road without much property, but it was a reminder of the early and later 1900's when the rail system was much more important. After I married Heidi and we'd go up North, that train station and the railroad track al changed, They removed the station, and all of the track, and created a "super" bed for cycling in summer and cross-country skiing in winter. You can travel about 200 km (160 miles) on this bed. What's great is that since the bed was a former railroad route, the slopes are not steep,and you can cross country ski  or cycle for miles. Also, toy can even stop overnight at local small motels or inns. You just have to have some change of clothing in order to dine out at some of the nicer restaurants.

I just have 1 final "story" to close today's post.I remember someone telling me a story about a Calgarian (from Alberta) who was taken "up north" by his friends who wanted to impress him with the mountains. When they arrived, he wanted to know when he'd be seeing "the Laurentians". I know what he meant, and sure he didn't mean to hurt his friends feelings.  The Canadian Province of Alberta in not far from the Rocky Mountains, one of Canada's  world-famoud landmarks and mountain range.  Comparing The Laurentians to The Rockies just can't be done! Now those are mountains. But then again, comparing them to Mount Everest or the Alps is another story. Of course, Alberta does not have the fabulous extensive changing of the leaves in the fall season, and that is truly a Quebec and Canadian "treasure".

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and have a very niceand restful weekend,
wherever you may be.


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