Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mike's Steam Engines

Saturday, January 13, 2013

(Please click on the above address to be redirected to Mike's fine site)

    I was looking at steam engines all this week, and found a very nice site created my Mike. I'll have to ask him for his surname! He has lots of nice ads (advertisements) from the time the toyy were made, as well as the same "real" toy presented next to the ads.

On Mike's site he wrote that this museum is the only toy museum in Chesterfield, England.
I would assume that the above is the crest for the town or village.

I hope Mike won;t mind my having done some restoration of the Meccano photo above.
I wanted to bring back (wishfully) a cheerier photo. 
The Meccano company  in its heyday was a great toy company!

Copyright 2013 mikes-steam-engines-co-uk
Please do not copy without the written permission of mikes-steam-engines-co-uk

The above combination of a steam engine with a Meccano crane was
certainly a most-interesting combination to discover!

 It's amazing for a toy to be 65 years old, it looks almost new!

A toy that could self-propel for a mile on 1 fill of fuel.
What did people do - rent rowbaots to follow their models on the river or lake?

2000 rpms / minute!
This toy most certainly have been "purring".

Certain models of these stam engines came in a box.

I always like to see an original ad from a specific time, matched together with the original toy.

What's interesting here are 2 advertisements that have products that are almost similar to each other, yet made by 2 different manufacturers.

I also like the cost of the toys posted in the older British currency.
I never understood all of the names and conversions of the British pound at those times.
Yet i'm sure this was a great way of having children learn spelling and arithmetic.

So that's it for a Saturday.

I'm certainly getting a great education in steam engine toys, and I hope that you're also enjoying this.

Thanks for dropping by, and have a great weekend.


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