Saturday, December 15, 2012

Arcade Miniature Tools

Saturday, December 15, 2012
          Sunny but Cold!  -9 C  16F 

Arcade-Dent Miniature Tools

     The Arcade Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1885. Originally it had started out as the Novelty Iron and Brass Foundry. Like many foundries of the time, the company started to manufacture toys. Examples of other similar companies were Dent Hardware and the Kenton Hardware Manufacturing Company.

   I purchased some of these very small toys for my wife Heidi. She's much better (I don't like to admit it) at carpentry, electrical work, handwork and so on). However I only purchased a few of them. As I was looking around, I remembered those toys and took at fast look on E-Bay, and found a nice collection. As usual, I  contacted the seller, Mr. Mike Reis, whose E-Bay name is SEIRM.
Mikle gave me the permission needed to present these fine miniatures, and so that's what I'm showing today. They're quite small  ranging in size from 2.25"  -  4" (58mm - 102mm).

(please click on the above address to contact Mr. Mike Reis)

    Included in the E-Bay listing was the pickaxe with the letter "Q".  Mike was not sure as to which company manufactured this particular toy. I like the these small items because they were well-made having been plated with nickel, and for such small items they've stayed around for so long.

   The companies also made wrenches, screwdrivers, 2-man saws, hand-planes, and a whole slew of other toys.If you do a search on Google or any other search engine for "Arcade miniature nickel-plated toy tools" you'll be able to see many of the other toys that were made.

By the time I'm finished writing this post, I will have had 40,000 page views from all of my readers. I'd like to thank  everyone for dropping by to visit and read, and in some cases make a comment or ask a question. And of course, I'd like top thank the fine people who have allowed me to share their photos with you.

For those who don't know a "page view" is  a recorded statistic of someone who had viewed a page. The 40,000 milestone could be 100 people each looking at 400 pages each, or 40,000 once only visitors. Of course, I always "exaggerate, and I'm sure the real record is somewhere a 50:50 ratio of page views: readers.

As usual, thanks for dropping by
and have a great morning, afternoon, or evening 
wherever you may be.


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