Thursday, November 22, 2012

You Would Think!

Thursday, November 22, 2012
              Bright & Sunny / 46 F (8 C)

You Would Think!
How Hard Can it Be to Match up 
Current Day Auctioned Toys to a 1928 catalogue? 

   I had an idea yesterday, and decided to see what I could come up with.  How many auctioned toys could I find in the 2000-2012 timespan that could match a 1928 Butler Brothers catalogue? I figured that it would be to take 1 page of Structo Toys from the catalogue and search for them in current and past auctions from 1 auctioneer- Dan Morphy Auctions. To be fair though, Structo are not the most sought after toys, so they may not necessarily appear. Well, I only found 5.

   I did search out other auction houses from which I might use their photos, and still, I could not fill the whole page! There were some toys that I just couldn't find, or many of the toys that I did find were already sold by Dan Morphy Auctions!

  So for today, this is my post. 

I'd like to again thank Richard Mueller and for letting me use their Butler Brothers Catalogue Scanned Photo

      The Structo toy company started up in 1908 by the Strohacker Brothers - Louis and Edward, and their partner C.C. Thompson.  At the start, the company made erector sets similr to those made by Mecano (Great Britain) and Gilbert (U.S.A.). By 1919, they decided to make toy cars, trucks, and construction toys. In 1935, the partners sold a majority of the company to Mr. J.C. Cokey, who continued to own the business until he died (1975). The Ertl Company (makers of lots of toy tractors) bought the toy patents and designs.*

*(paraphrased from O'Brien's Collecting Toys (A Collector's Identification and Value Guide)
Editied by Karen O'Brien, q12th Edition, Kraus Publications, 2008

Thanks for dropping by, 
and have a great part of the day or evening, 
wherever you may be.


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