Saturday, November 3, 2012

"The Strong"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"The Strong"

    When you're surfing the Net looking for something specific (like toys), you enter lots of key words, and jump all over the place.  Today's subject was no different. I can't remember how I came to find The Strong, but find it, I did.  I immediately sent off an e-mail to "contact us", and a day later I received a reply from Lauren Sodano, the Collection Manager at the Strong. 

    In blog time, a day is very short when it comes to writing the next post. However, in e-Mail, that's a long time. I forgot my initial cheeriness to The Strong, and sent a thank you to Lauren.  I then went to the site, and looked, but didn't seem to find what I was looking for. 

   Then all of a sudden I had that "eureka moment"! I had found the source of what I had been looking for - a huge catalogue (catalog in American spelling) of toys. And not just toys that I was interested in, but all kids of toys, as you'll soon see.

 Their Name and Logo 

 Please click on the above address to redirect to their site

 About the Strong

The Legend (Description) for Each Toy

         Each image on the site can be enlarged, as the one I've presented to you above. You'll also notice, that some toys have an extensive description and history of themselves. This is  great resource, as lots of times, I've found that it's hard to find information on certain of the lesser-known or past popular toy companies.

So that's it for today.
I hope Hurricane Sandy has finally departed.
As always, have a great part of the day, wherever you may be.



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