Monday, January 28, 2013

Steelcraft Toys

Friday, November 16, 2012

Metalcraft Toys

     The Metalcraft* toy company started up in 1931. It produced a limited catalogue of toys that were mostly "labelled' with names of companies. Because of the timing (The Great Depression) the company only lasted until 1937, when it was forced to close down due to bankruptcy. The toys, of course still survive today, and have moderate appeal and  moderate final prices as far as today;s  auctions go. 

* A reader sent me an e-mail which you can view at the end of this post. I had mistyped the name of the manufacturer of these toys. These are Metalcraft, and not Steelcraft, as I had originally written  in November 2012. 

     Thanks both to Bertoia Auctions and James D. Julia Inc., I have been able to us their fine photographs in order to present to you my posts. 

(Please press on the above address to visit the James D. Julia site)

(Please press on the above address to visit the Bertoia Auctions site)

The Steelcraft Zeppelin toy was certainly different from all of the other manufacturers.

     What I find  interesting is how long these toys have been around and still are in "playable" condition.  I have a friend who makes shelving. His presses that bend and shape the shelving components are from the 1930's , a span of 80 years. They still work, and when you look at them you know that they were meant to work and last! Of course, the machine will need a new part once in a while,and thankfully there are highly-skilled machinists around to machine any parts needed. 
As an aside, if you go to Cuba, you will see American cars from the 1950's that are driven all over. The replacement parts from those cars are also machined because of 2 conditions. Past are hard to get, and of course the American embargo on Communist Cuba still exists.

Thanks for dropping by, 
and have a good morning, afternoon, or evening
wherever you may be.



  1. I may be missing something here but those trucks are Metalcraft, not Steelcraft.

  2. Hi Aztom,

    Thanks for the astute observation. I'm embarrassed, since the name of the toys were in fact on the pages from where I collected the toy photos. Steelcraft is a very prominent American officer furniture company (among other products). Mastercraft is the name that Canadian Tire, a large nationwide company selling automotive, tools, and household items. There is even a Steelcraft door manufacturer in canada (which I just found out today).

    I don't make any excuses, and will try and proofread my material much better in the future.

    Thanks for dropping by to visit, and I hope you will read some more posts, and hopefully NOT find any other errors. However, I do find the occasional spelling mistakes that I end up correcting months after I post.

    (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
    Author of this blog
