Sunday, November 11, 2012

SnagIt Software

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Remembrance Day - Canada


(Please press the address above to visit their site)

     Today is Memorial Day in Canada, to remind us of the sacrifices that  Canadians have made in all wars. Being an ally to the USA, we've also lost  lives in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    I thought I'd take a break and lighten up the blog with a software that I use every day when writing my blog. It's called SnagIt. I was fortunate to purchase this software while I was teaching, so the educational price helped out. However, the regular price is very moderate, and I've since upgraded.

    It's a screen-capture program, that also has many features that can be used to ehnace what you capture. Of course, I use it mostly to capture toy images for my blog, and then work with then in Photoshop.

   What's great about the program is that it's very user-friendly. I knew that before, but as I said, I hardly ever use the many features that come with the program.

The Screen Capture Instructions for a Mac 

 A Screen Capture (using my Mac) Showing a Scroll Window Capture

Sometimes I need to capture the whole part of a toy description.
If it takes up more than the screen, I can simply use the scroll feature and catture the whole page.

Here's a Screen Capture Showing the Whole SnagIt Window

I decided to capture the Wyandotte Toy from the fine auctioneer of Morphy Acutions.
In this way, I can then crop the larger photo, then add the size information from this screen capture.

Here's a Screen Capture of My Own Photos - Why Not! 

2 Side Menus (Right Side of the Screen)

The top one is for notes, and the bottom one is for the modification
of the shape of the note area design.

 The Bottom Area of  SnagIt

This area shows you all of the images that you have captured.

The "File" Menu at the Top of the Screen
As you can see, it's quite self-explanatory and very user-friendly.

The Arrow Tool

The Arrow can be placed on any part of the screen capture.
The Note Shape for adding notes within

 A Thin Arrow

 A Larger Arrow

 A More Subtle Arrow

 The Note Shape for adding notes within

  The Controls for Modifying the Note Square (Dialogue Box)

 Some of the Latest Updates to SnagIt

Of course, you can't get away from Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, 
and all of those "Social Media" sites.
So SnagIt has added  links to your favourite sites for fast chatting.

 Some of the Tools Available to Enhance Your Screen Capture Images
This "Tools" Menu is positioned at the top horizontal larger menu.

 A Menu to Select Your Preferred Font type, colour, size, and so forth.

      As with most software programs today, you can download a trial version for either your Mac or PC. The download also comes with tutorials if you need them. Speaking for myself, SnagIt is not the most complicated software program,  so I rarely need to refer to the help menu. By speaking for its utility and usefulness, it's one of my favourites.

                         Thanks for dropping by,and have a great
              morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you may be.


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