Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Girard Pierce Arrow Car Revisited

Tuesday, November 27,2012
   (Originally Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2012)
                   4:30 A.M. EST -4 C or  24 F
                       Overcast and Cold

A Girard Pierce-Arrow Toy Car

14 1/2" (L) x 5 1/2" (W) x 5" (H)
368 mm x 140 mm x 128mm
3 pounds 5.9 ounces
1.528 kg

    When I found the patent for the Wyandotte car yesterday, I had also found the patent for today's post.  I already have written up this fine car. I have nice photos on the June 27, 2012 post because I had purchased that toy and then photographed it for resale. It's a battery-operated  car for the front headlights, and is a mechanical clockwork (Wind-up) toy (if the 2 terms are synonymous). So I'm only going to add 2 photos, and you can revisit the original posting for the other photos.

     I like the design of these old patents, and there are a few people who reproduce them form the U.S. Patent Office site and sell them. I'm going to have to check if these images are "in the public domain". That simply means that anyone can have access to use them. However, for now, I add my usual cautionary notes in red (Copyright 2012....).

To visit the U.S. Patent Office, you need to first go to:


* You may need to decode the page with some program*
I've been able to open the page with SnagIt (my screen catprue program)

This is a wonderful toy car

  The lights operate on a size D battery that you can just see under the car in the top photo. The movement of the car is from a wind-up mechanism at the back. There is a small 1/2 bell that you can see, and this "clangs" as the rear axle rotates. The clanking is from a small piece or u-shaped metal wire that is hit buy a small projection on the rear axle. You can see this if you enlarge the photo.

Marx toys (Louis Marx) purchased the Girard Manufacturing Company in 1935. As a result, you will see the almost exact same toy but with the Marx label on it. 

My day started early today, as I went to bed early. I caught 1 2-4 day flu of some sort, and am now recovering.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the  day wherever you may be
(of course if you're in a warm climate so much the better!


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