Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fine Hubley Toys from a Fine Auctioneer

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Very Windy

Fine Hubley Toys from Dan Morphy Auctions
(A Fine Auctioneer)

(Please click on the above address to be redirected to the Dan Morphy website)

(Please click on the above address to be redirected to the Dan Morphy website)

e     I don't know Mr. Dan Morphy or the company. However, my personal feelings are that he and the company are a fine company. I've mentioned my confidence in purchasing from an auctioneer. Auctioneers need to have a certain degree of trust by the public. As well, they attract sellers who have complete collections of toys that I have not seen with that much frequency (and sometimes never) on E-Bay. Of course, there is a premium to be paid for this, and that the auctioneer's premium that ranges from 15-18%, depending upon the auctioneer.

      I have the Permission from icollector to present their images to you on my blog. That also applies to images from the auction companies and galleries on their site. Yesterday's post was about old toy catalogues, and today is a presentation of some rarer Hubley toys. 

    I had in mind to create huge databases of every toy sold by Hubley, Arcade, and a few other toy companies. However, right now,I have to work with the people who have granted me permission to use their photos. I'm still working to get the permissions of other people, but that takes time, and convincing on my part. Also, I'm writing a lot of posts to catch up from my summer rest, so honing in on Hubley or Arcade toys is on the "backburner" for now. Moreover, I've taken an interest in mechanical tin wind-up toys, mechanical banks, and door stoppers, so the list gets longer and longer!

     Today's presentation are very nice Hubley toys. I've seen the "occasional" one on E-Bay, and of course on the Net, but never so many in 1 single auction. This past action from Dan Morphy Auctioneers had Hubley and Arcade cast iron toys,wind-up tin toys, and of course, those mechanical cast iron banks. But for today, the Hubleys will do.

     I've bought and sold only 2  similar items from the above Hubley toys. One was Hubley small motor boat (mine was green and a more common model about 3 3/4" long). The second one was the # 5 yellow cast iron racer. The sides of that particular car are removable to expose the black engine inside. I also sold an Arcade version of the toy above - the yellow and blue stake truck.

    It's nice to be able to access and download for my posts these nice old toys, and that's my post for today.

I hope everyone in the USA is coping with Hurricane Sandy.
This time, the American emergency agencies and servicea are preparing much more for this storm, and hopefully there will be minimal or no loss of life.

Thanks for visiting,
and have a safe and nice day,wherever you may be.


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