Monday, October 15, 2012

Cast Iron Motorcycle Toys

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cast Iron Motorcycle Toys
All Photos Courtesy of  the Lloyd Ralston Gallery

    A few days ago, I wrote about the Lloyd Ralston Gallery.  Glenn and Terry Ralston now own and manage the highly-successful auction house (gallery) that their father established. I was able to have them let me use some of their very nice photos for a post several days ago. As I was searching the Web, I remembered that Live Auctioneers is a great place to find all photos of toys.  Sure enough, I entered a search for "Lloyd Ralston Galley" and found them. So I wrote back to Glenn Ralston, and asked I could have his and  Terry's permission to use the photos on this site. Terry replied and said that was fine, and so now I will have  a great resource to actually write about toys. I'm just going to present to you cast iron motorcycles  that had been sold from previous auctions, as well as a few that are currently for sale. Some time next week, I'll come back to this post and add the history behind the companies that made these great collectibles.

(You can go directly to the Lloyd Ralston Gallery site by clicking on the above address.

 I've taken the initiative of brightening up the images, and of course using the same title as the Ralston Gallery uses. As well, I've added the Copyright notice.  When I return to write about the toy companies, I'll also add the sizes of these toys. They range in size from 4" - 7 1/2" (102mm - 190mm in length)

Thanks for dropping by to have a visit.

As always, have a great morning, afternoon, 
or evenin,  wherever you may be.


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