Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Request for Old Toy Photos

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Request for Old Toy Photos
(and you can write your own story if you want)

      If this is the first time that you've come to this blog - thanks for dropping by. I write about old (mostly American) toys on this blog. As of the last month or so, I'm not buying, and hence re-selling old toys on E-Bay. I sold them all off, so I have no new, material to write about.
      If you're a regular or infrequent reader, you'll know that I'm  in a hold pattern with regard to buying and selling on E-Bay. I've sold almost all of my toys, so I do not have any to use for my blog posts.

     What I've been doing lately is sending out e-mails asking readers to help me continue with this blog.  

I've been offering 2 options:

Option 1

I can screen-capture your images from E-Bay or your Website or you can send me them.
You can them also add your own narrative or story to the post.

Option 2

I can screen-capture your images from E-Bay or your Website or you can send me them.
I can write the story myself

In both cases, I will give you full credit for all of your photos as follows:

 I used my name as an example. 
Of course you're name will be with each and every one of your photos

I also will add:

1. Your Name
2. Your  Website
3. Your E-Bay ID 

    Obviously, in asking you for your photos, if anyone would like mine, then I don't mind as long as you give me credit and add my info to your site. Since not everyone may go back to previous posts, I've shown just some of the 1000's of photos of toys that I have added to my blog below.

So that's my story for today. Please take me up on my offer, because it's good for both of us.
I have between 40-140 page views per day on my site. As well, I do not receive any money from Google, since I don't have any advertisers on my site. I aslo, cannot pay you for your effort.
I have this blog because I enjoy writing, and hopefully, you my readers enjoy reading and looking at old toys.

So that it for today.

As always, thanks for dropping by.

And Have  a great morning, afternoon, or evening 
wherever you may be.

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman
E-Bay ID sib2048w

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