Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beautiful Restorations

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beautiful Restorations

If you've been following my blog, you'll have realized that I haven't written much lately. The summer is slower for selling, and so I sold off most of my inventory, and am waiting probably for after Christmas and New Year. There are the American elections, then American Thanksgiving, and people have more important things to do than purchase toys.

If you also follow this blog, I sometimes try to have "guest appearances". For today's instalment, I happened to notice on E-Bay, the items that I am presenting today. They are beautifully restored. As well, there were several people who actually wrote the seller (Mr. Tom Ossman) to help him in the indentification of these toys.

I phoned Tom to get his permission to write about him and his beautiful toys for sale. He's quite busy, so he  doesn't have the time to write a narrative until after Christmas. When I get that narrative, I'll add it to this instalment. However, what I was able to get from Tom in our conversation was that he is retired, and makes toys for his grandchildren. He also used to make 

tie-flying tables (for fly fisheman who make their own flies). Of course, that would be a whole other instalment altogether!

Tom's E-Bay ID is: rto37
If you go to E-Bay and do a search be seller, you will find all of these wonderful toys currently for sale 
(September 25-Oct 20, 2012)

Here's what Tom had to write about this particular listing:

"Based upon knowledgeable comments from fellow E-Bayers I included " Girard" in the title and now believe that these were produced by Girard and modified in Wyandotte's design shop.  I'm confident that my father didn't modify them but can't rule out Don Mc Elroy.  My guess is that they relate to Wyandotte's new product development.  Don lost a hand in a school shop accident so I doubt he could have performed the modification fabrication.
This set includes one roadster w/ rumble seat and 5 semi-trucks, a van, stake, side dump, oil, and an open cargo.  The 6 pieces have been beautifully restored and as such are a very rare matched set.  I believe they came from the Wyandotte design shop, but they also resemble those attributable to the Girard Toy Company.  The pieces are unique due to the headlight and front bumper assembly on each vehicle as well as a rear bumper with spare tire and tail light on the roadster.  While it doesn’t show very well in the photos, the added trim parts are made of the same gauge steel as the rest of the vehicle and attached via the same slot and tab techniques used to fabricate the rest of the toy. 
These toys were restored by my father and his friend Don Mc Elroy.  My father was a principal in the Detroit School System and Don was the shop teacher at the same school.  They shared the hobbies of playing bridge and toy restoration.  Don’s father worked for Wyandotte Toys and lived just outside of the city of Wyandotte which is a suburb of Detroit.
On the bottom of each cab or chassis are the following hand inscribed comments.  Blue Cab  (front end assy., Cab only, PX-120, b.n.d., 4-21-23, dao-ok).  Maroon Cab  (head lite assy., tnkp, PX-137, dao, save, 2-12-30)  Yellow Cab  (big eyes, cab only, c.m.w. inc., PX-187)  Green Cab  (big eyes, bumper assy., c.m.w., inc., PX-186)  Orange Cab  (bumper + lite assy., T+T, PX 115, dro, 91827) Red Roadster, big eye coupe, bumpers head + tail lights, c.m.w., spare, PX-207.  Except for guaranteeing that these are restored originals and not reproductions of any kind, that is all I know.  I hate to part with these but feel they should stay together as a set even though I could probably sell them for more individually. 
Many thanks for looking, 

Here are the comments of people who wrote to Tom on the E-Bay Listing

1. "Yes, the trucks are all Girard. The Girard Company was bought by the Marx toy company. The Wyandotte toy company would never take a competitors toy trucks and modify them. The Wyandotte company would modify Wyandotte toys."

2. "What a great bunch of trucks. these were also sold in sets, with one cab and 3 or 4 trailers with a little axle/hitch thing that goes between them. and I agree with everything the other ebayer said. Mike"

3. "Hi Tom, You definitely have some unique vehicles here, but I highly doubt they are rare Wyandotte or Girard prototypes. So here's what I know. All the trucks are 100% Girard as evidenced by the 'butterfly' hood ornament & closed in rear cab with window. Wyandottes had completely open cab backs & had either a 'rooster comb' or no hood ornament. All the front & rear bumpers are not original, & were most likely conveniently added by your father when he restored them. The red rumble seat coupe is 100% Wyandotte (with a 'butterfly' type hood ornament most likely added by your father to match the other vehicles). These coupes never had a rear spare & from looking at it closely, adding the spare was a clever way to attach the rear bumper. As to the engraved text on the bottom, could have been done by your father to keep the items organized prior to repainting them, or could have been done by Wyandotte as a means to identify/research the competition. Scott"

As you can see, there are several people who wrote to Tom to help in the authentification of the listed items. One of my last instalments on this blog had to do with  learning about toys. I mentioned and showed the books that I have, but people are the greatest resource sometimes!

I hope that Tom won't mind if I enhanced his photos from E-Bay. I though that they would show better, and these are truly very nice. AS Tom wrote, both his father, and his father's friend, Mr.Don McElroy worked on the restorations,which are truly super!

So without any more narrative, I'll let the photos speak for the beautiful work that these 2 men put into the toys.

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission

  Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission
  Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission
 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission 

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission 

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission 

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission 

 Copyright 2012 Tom & Dessa Ossman
Please Do Not Copy Without Their Permission

   The items above, and many more toys in other listings can be found on E-Bay. Tom Ossman's ID on E-Bay is rto37. If you do a search for Tom, you'll come across his other listings and this one.

The items below were added later, after I had posted this instalment. I'll title them at a future date.

What I still can't get over is how well done this restorations are. It's as if I was transported back into the 1940's. They're just unbelievable!

  When I have more time, I will try and add more views of the above toys to this instalment. It's wonderful to view restored toys as they might have looked 70-80 years ago when they had just come off an assembly line!

I'm always looking for people to help me out by writing a narrative and sending photos. Please don't be shy!
It doesn't take long, and I'll try to enhance your photos if there are minor problems with them.
My e-mail is toysearcher@gmail.com

As always, thanks for dropping by to view my blog, and this special contribution by Mr. Tom Ossman.

Have a nice morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you
may be.

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

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